How competencies based learning is important in current learning path?

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How competencies based learning is important in current learning path?

Competencies describe the level of understanding or proficiency a learner possess pertaining to a specific subject. Competencies include skills, but they are More than the skill, which includes abilities, behaviors, and knowledge that is core to the use of a skill.

Competency-based learning is concrete and measurable skills. Competency is a cluster of related abilities, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to perform a job and that can lead to a superior result. Mainly, a course that helps learners to acquire certain competencies. Through, competencies instructors can track how well learners are learning those skills.

mElimu Competency-based learning help to master on skill and cannot be advanced to another without having mastered in first.

The implication of Competency-based learning management on Education.

Learning management system has changed the form of education in many ways it has gained popularity with learners due to its flexible structure and affordability.

In mElimu CBE  focuses on what students learn, not on the time spent in the classroom completing credits. It allows students to work at their own pace to demonstrate mastery in the competencies needed for their chosen field of study.

Category of Competency-Based Education

1) Flexible:- Competency-based education is very flexible as they depend upon the individual learners to guide their learning and control when and where they complete projects and assessment. They have control over when, where and how they learn.

2) Self-paced:- This allows learners to control their own pacing, As soon as a student feels they can prove mastery they can take an assessment receive credit and start on the next material.

experience increases engagement because the content is tailored to each student and more relevant.

3) Engaging:- Learner has control over their learning when, where and how they learn.CBE experience increases engagement because the content is tailored to each student and more relevant.

4) Affordable:- CBE programs are offered online, leverage technology and operating costs are eliminated resulting in lower tuition fees. The tuition depends on how long it takes a learner to complete a degree. The faster a learner progresses through the material, the less expensive the program is.

5) Skill-based: –The major benefit of the learning system is world skill and competency development. Programs are designed around competencies that are needed for a particular career ensuring that the material is relevant or personalized as learners choose to field.

Competency-based education for the Corporate.

Our mElimu Learning management system gives a complete Competency-based program that will help the organization to effectively organize a system of personnel development and evaluate the competencies of the employees. It can also state the competencies of each employee. The primary objective of competency-based education is to evaluate and track employees performance.

Competencies based education for corporate outlines that organization-funded training and professional development activities are cost-effective, goal-oriented and productive also Enables employees to achieve a high level of competence in an efficient manner.   

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